May 13, 2008


cel·e·brate – to make known publicly; to proclaim; to praise widely or to present to widespread and favorable public notice; to have or participate in a party

What if every moment of worship was a celebration? Imagine if each praised-filled moment we spent with him was filled with games and balloons and cotton candy. And spinning round and round with our arms stretched straight out until we fell and looked up at the twirling world around us.

Sometimes all that we see is that swirling, twirling, out of control world. We can be distracted from the calm and beauty and grace of the flowers on the trees and the colors on each bird and the music within us and around us. Yet still we are invited into this daily celebration! Every moment—alone or together, in the front or falling back, happy or hurried—every moment is an invitation to join the party.

Bring your friends and your family and your gifts and feel the rush of worship around you! Sing or dance or clap your hands! Laugh and love and learn—and don’t forget the joy of spinning round and round with your arms stretched out. And of falling into arms that will catch you and cradle you with love.

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